Key features of our Battery Indicator are:
- Unique, elegant graphics with exclusive character.
- Many configuration options (and still growing) - you can enable or disable and adjust many functionalities.
- Home screen widgets.
- Displays estimated time left to fully discharge or charge.
- Displays colorful icon with exact percentage of battery level in status bar with one-percent accuracy.
- Big readable digits in status bar.
- Quick access to more details by sliding down from top of the screen to show Android notifications or by clicking on home screen widget.
- Displays current velocity of charging or discharging (in percent per hour).
- Displays last charging and discharging statistic information (time, level range, velocity).
- Indicators colors are changing depending on battery level and state.

- Two view modes: standard and detailed, switched quickly and easily by sliding panel.
- Many detailed information, such as temperature, voltage, health, plugged state, battery technology, time from last status change etc.
- One percent accuracy.
- Quick access to Android's "Battery usage" screen.
- More coming soon.

Battery Indicator Pro
Size: 3.7 MB
Required: Android 2.1 and up